As the business owne

As the business owner, you will see all the challenges and all the things you wish to upgrade and improve. But for someone else, your business is a potential reality TV show opportunity like Master Chef. There are people who would kill to be working in your business right now. To swim between the flags of the nightmare and the fantasy just appreciate what you have each day. Every business is a potential treasure chest of gold.How very cool that you get to do this every day!!!

Napoleon said “His

Napoleon said “History is a myth that men agree to believe.” History is quite the mercantile myth. Each one of us can easily tailor-make our history with a skewed story designed to achieve a specific outcome. Witness politicians debating in parliament. Observe corporate arguing in a board room. Watch children negotiating in the school yard. We are all natural historians. :-)

"There is gold in ev

"There is gold in everything I touch. Sometimes it looks like gold. Sometimes it looks like mud. Sometimes it appears that it isn't even real. But I know when I look hard enough, I can not only see the gold, but I can create some more."

Late yesterday I too

Late yesterday I took a "clear my head" drive out past a cute country pub. Now on a Sunday arvo, I would usually see, loitering out on the front long wooden verandah, packs of leather clad bikers sculling their beers and generally creating havoc to the loud blasting 80s rock jukebox that drifts out from the public bar. To contrast, yesterday, Tuesday 2pm and those same bikers were there - same leathers - but their hair was neatly tied back, many of them wearing spectacles and they each carefully balanced laptops while delicately sipping on cappucinos intently discussing business plans. How much do my inherent value perceptions make this sight so funny? I love it! he he :-)

Every Personal Devel

Every Personal Development Guru will tell you that the secret to success is to do what you love. When running your own business, there are two activities happening: 1. You are doing what you love either in a service or in a product 2. You are running a business Many businesses fail because even though they are doing what they love, they don’t necessarily love running a business. What is it worth for you to discover where you are ALREADY successfully running a business in your life? How much value would it add to your bottom line if you appreciated how running a business helped you to do what you love?

Money frees you from

Money frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike doing nearly everything, money is handy. Groucho Marx Who’s in Charge Here? Who’s in charge of how and what you charge for your business products and services? Like Groucho said, we all pay money to other people to do things that we don’t necessarily wish to do. We will always be someone else’s target market. So what’s it worth for someone else to provide a service for us? How much are WE willing to pay? How much do the things that we get all charged up about, influence what we buy? How much do OUR personal charges impact on our behaviour as a customer? Who chooses the charge – the customer or the business? :-)

Often SME service pr

Often SME service providers don't yet see the value in their particular service and how they could convert this into a product of value. Best place to start? Look at yourself as a customer and do an inventory of the products that YOU buy. Make a corresponding list of all the reasons why other people would not see the value in YOUR purchasing choices.

"Business is a promi

"Business is a promise you make to your customer. People, processes and technology interweave and connect to align your business with this promise. Ask yourself - what promise am I making to my customers with my seminars, consults and products? Then deliver and honour it." Nichola Burton, CEO, The Pushworth Group

Concourse of the Ear

Concourse of the Earth is currently mid way through its case study program – “What’s sex got to do with it?”. A niggling thought had followed me around for a while - that my work as a business consultant was a rather masculine profession for a girl to love as much as I do. Today however I appreciate that it is the ultimate feminine activity to pursue. I love to see the men in the my life succeed in business – (partners, children, staff, associates or clients) - and the best way I can do that is to create structure around their enterprise with my programs. Thanks to Kate Histonand Martin Urban for their insights into the correlation between sex and business.

I was at a day spa l

I was at a day spa last week. It was early in the morning and I was the only customer so far. The owner was working with me and became was very distracted by his staff who were chatting and giggling and playing in the absence of customers. I asked him if he had a plan for no customers and he angrily replied: “Of course not. I expect customers all the time. Why would I plan for none?” I explained to him that holding an image in his head of 100% capacity custom is a great big infatuation and fantasy. All of us in business subscribe to the same fantasy at times so he is definitely not alone. I mean, without a whopping big fantasy for inspiration, none of us would be in business in the first place right? However, with a clear plan and simple easy steps to take and follow, that dream can be converted to a viable set of business goals that can be achieved and managed. In business, as in life, there is an ebb and flow and seasons and cycles. There WILL be times when the phone will NOT ring and the shop WILL be empty. There will be times when equipment will break down or power or internet will be unavailable. There will be times when your team all get sick or worse still – YOU do. John F Kennedy said: “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.” Create a schedule of activities for your staff for down time. • This may be a time to clean out the store cupboard, desks, and staff kitchen or conference room. • Catch up on filing; conduct an inventory for office stores or office files. • Refresh Staff Training. • Get on the phone and start marketing. • Commence work on project development • Get some research done for the proposals that you want to make to new customers This list can be endless. Start with all the round tuits. You know – all those annoying little jobs that you never get around to. Start with them. Plan the time to sit down and make a long list of every possible activity that could be done when there are no customers. That is the first step. The next step is to ensure you have resources already set up for the staff to use in these activities. • Ensure your Training Manuals are up to date and that you have one team member fully trained and able to take the rest of the team through the information. • Have a marketing script ready to go with product and service lists, client activation database list and a campaign approach always on hand. • Create a filing, storage and inventory map so that your staff know where everything needs to go. • Establish a cleaning list and make sure you have all the equipment and cleaning detergents ready to go. Someone has to be prepared for this in advance and that someone may be the office or store manager or the owner of the small business. This can be easily delegated and checked as part of your regular routine. I know, when you are busy and stressed and exhausted, the last thing you want to do is MORE work. Think of this as like making a commitment to yourself for a health and fitness regime. You recognise the need to feel a little healthier so you decide to join the gym and cut carbs and increase protein. As part of your new regime, you KNOW that you will fall off the wagon so you identify the possible circumstances when you are taken outside of your regular routine (going out to dinner, working late, travelling, sickness etc) and you consider and include the management of these circumstances into your health and fitness plan. So that when you get invited to cousin Julie’s wedding, you have a plan to stay on track. Well, planning ahead in your business is exactly the same. By valuing your business enough to plan in advance, you can value your cost of staff by ensuring that they are productive regardless of the circumstance. Planning for no customers becomes a critical aspect of your business planning activity.

Which holiday is mor

Which holiday is more profitable - Easter or Xmas? Gift Giving inspires marketing for a good 2 months prior yet with 4 days off in a row; an Easter vacation would certainly be a big seller. Everything in life is mercantile and these two holidays certainly can be quite the marketing wet dream for business depending on the appreciation of your creative entrepreneurship. Which holiday costs the most? For business, in Australia, April is a month of short weeks yet it is like an administrative graveyard from mid December until end January – although both constitute a substantial cost, we plan our operations around it and integrate it into expected business behaviour. Typically there is an ongoing public debate about staffing shopping times to balance the enterprise opportunity. Doh - notice my first observations are expressed in business terms? Ha – three guesses what I love doing the most!!!:-) What about family or the various belief structures that value the “story” behind the holidays? What is it worth to take those four days over Easter and be with family and friends – take a break from work and just chill out and relax for a while? Bunning’s experiences quite a spike in sales as DIY purchases go through the roof while we garden and paint and renovate. My Greek in laws end their fast with quite the Sunday feast while my boys aspire to be the champion egg smasher year after year. With an appreciation but not a belief in the stories behind both the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic systems, I must admit that truly love attending Easter services in both churches to participate in and observe the ancient traditions. So what is the value of a holiday or holy day to any of us? When I look back, our family have never celebrated Easter to the same degree as Xmas. As a family who doesn’t like chocolate or sweets, Easter was more of a time to capitalise on the four day long weekend. We either performed at as many gigs as possible, or donned the Easter costumes braving shopping centres all over South East Qld as Chickens, Bunnies or Eggs. We’ve managed Festivals or run Seminars – renovated the house, caught up on office work OR taken a little holiday. In Oz, it is simply divine weather for Easter and indeed this is our travel industry high season – try driving to the Gold Coast on Easter Thursday afternoon? Conspiracy Theorists postulate that business is conspiring to remove the religion from Easter and Xmas by turning them into major commercial activities and removing trading restrictions so that “poor” employees have no option but to work over the holiday. What if the story behind these holidays was originally written for commercial mercantile reasons in the first place and organised religion was the easiest and most effective way to spam and sell the holiday to as many people as possible? If we conducted a profit and loss analysis of the Easter and Xmas holidays throughout the ages, I greatly suspect that the profit and loss would balance equally as it does today in the 21st century. But isn’t it fun watching those old Charlton Heston Easter movies OR Monty Python’s “Life of Brian”, toasting hot cross buns, hiding chocolate eggs in the geraniums, cooking the Easter Roast Lamb, smashing red boiled eggs and vacating your life for four days? Christos Anesti! Buona Pasqua! Happy Easter Everyone!