It seems that life as we know it is all about working hard and playing hard while filling nearly every moment with activity.
Our families believe they cannot survive without two incomes to pay for a standard of living that has doubled in the past 50 years. Who said: Spending money we don’t have to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t like?
Here’s an alternative radical thought – could we work less, want less and spend less? Could this lead to a happier and more fulfilled lifestyle? What do we REALLY want? What is the essence of happiness? Is happiness connected to our financial value?
Here’s a suggestion – try to play the Prosperity Game. Here’s how:
You set up an Accounting Package - QuickBooks or MYOB or Excel spreadsheet or just print fake deposits and cheques for your PROSPERITY BANK ACCOUNT. Every day for one year, the Universe makes a deposit into this account. $1000.00 on the first day, then $2000 on the second day, then $3000 on the third day and so forth until on the 365th day the deposit is $365000.00. Each day you have to spend the entire amount of the deposit. I think in total it is $66Million. You can do daily or just do as much as you can each day until you spend one years worth.
Half way through this game you realise that prosperity is actually NOT about the money at all.
The things I REALLY wanted in my life could NOT be bought.
Try the exercise and find out what you REALLY want in your life and how much prosperity you already have.