1 December is Global Demanding Beaytch Day

Tomorrow – 1 December 2010 has been nominated as Global Demanding Beaytch day.

How many times have we girls complained about ourselves in passing “OMG I was a total demanding bitch to him today”. Well you know what? I reckon we LOVE that Demanding Beaytch and give her a break and appreciate how she brings balance into our lives and to the lives of those who regularly experience her. :-)

Observe how she brings people together!

Be in awe at how she takes action!

Marvel at how she knows how to ask for what she wants!

Appreciate her intrinsic value and self worth!

To honour her, let her out tomorrow – give her free reign and stand back from her rough raw canvas and value the beauty of her crazy. To honour my own Demanding Beaytch instead of wishing to hide her and keep her quiet and well behaved, here are a few of my favourite quotes from and about powerful demanding beaytches across time and space:

"Love and respect woman. Look to her not only for comfort but for strength and inspiration and the doubling of your intellectual and moral powers. Blot out from your mind any idea of superiority: you have non." Guiseppe Mazzini (Wise Little Italian Man - love him hehehe)

"Men play the game: Women know the score." Roger Woddis

"It's not what you call me, but what I answer to." African proverb

"I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship." Louisa May Alcott

"Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got. There is no yesterday, no tomorrow, it's all the same .... day." Janis Joplin

"Remove those 'I want you to like me' stickers from your forehead and, instead, place them where they truly will do the most good -- on your mirror!" Susan Jeffers

"Find out who you are and do it on purpose." Dolly Parton

“If I’d observed all the rules, I’d never have got anywhere.” Marilyn Monroe

"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." Edith Wharton

"Women have served all these centuries as looking-glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size." Virginia Woolf

"I never loved another person the way I loved myself." Mae West

“Ladies, you have to be strong and independent, and remember, don’t get mad, get everything.”Ivana Trump

"I succeeded by saying what everyone else is thinking." Joan Rivers

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't." Eleanor Roosevelt

"Eventually you just have to realize that you’re living for an audience of one. I’m not here for anyone else’s approval." Author Unknown

"Man has will, but woman has her way." Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Thou art to me a delicious torment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart." Josiah G. Holland

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." Maya Angelou

"To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give. That takes courage, because we don't want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt." Madonna

The answer to your q

The answer to your question sits happily in the middle of the intricate structure and system you carved out of your stories. It dangles its legs as it sings and plays in the playground of your childhood. It floats in the blue of your summer sky and lurks in the stinky slimy mud of the earth on a long hot humid Aussie rainy afternoon. Dive in and go digging for it. Its waiting for you. :-)

“If you are really

“If you are really effective at what you do, 95% of the things said about you will be negative.” Scott Boras Bring it on!

Time and Space of Income

If your income is solely derived from your service per hour then it is limited to your time and space. This takes your time between 9am and 5pm.

If your income is party derived from a savings plan that puts away 10% no matter what, then you begin to be a little more timeless in your finances. It is no longer as dependant on you physically being there to create the income.

This takes a little bit of time to set up – not much just a little. It takes more of a commitment and a choice. But then it simply builds.

If your income is party derived from a financial cushion that puts away another 10% no matter what, then you begin to be a little more timeless in your finances. It is no longer as dependant on you physically being there to create the income.

This takes a little bit of time to set up – not much just a little. It takes more of a commitment and a choice. But then it simply builds.

If your income is party derived from an investment plan that brings a return to your investment 10% no matter what, then your time begins to expand and your income isn’t as dependant on your physically being there to create the income.

This takes a little more time initially to research and set up and then to manage PLUS a long term commitment to your time and space – and it starts with one choice. But then it builds and flows under your vigilance and management.

If your income is party derived from passive sales of a product that you have financially taken a risk of yet another 10% that doesn’t required your time and space but has an automated system and structure in place to support it, your time expands a little more and your income isn’t as dependant on your physically being there to create the income.

This takes a time investment to research and develop, set up and manage PLUS a long term commitment to your time and space – and it starts with one choice. But then it builds slowly under your vigilance and management and requires watering weeding pruning harvesting and seeding in various cycles.

So this is the question – can you commit 40% of the time and income of your Current Reality to invest in your time and space of your Vision? At first your time and space investment will be greater than it is now. However as you move around the wheel of the year through the various seasons, time and space and financial return will transform.

Can you envision what your time and space look like when 10% is derived from your savings and 10% is derived from your cushion and 10% is derived from your investment and 10% is derived from your risk and 60% is derived from your time?

Can you imagine upping the ante and shifting it into higher and higher percentages of return until your set up time and space investment is lower?

Until you enter the new phase of the cycle and the process begins all over again.

Nothing is ever missing. If you can see where your income is not limited to your time and space, then where you are already saving and building a cushion and investing and risking and reaping rewards from your investments and your risks, then your worth, your value - it begins to appreciate.

Appreciation - thanksgiving - for what you have right now - is the key to wealth in every form.

I’m stoked that my

I’m stoked that my vegie garden did not die while I was in NYC. Plants I thought for sure would have been gobbled by those determined little green grasshoppers have thrived while the tall weeds that have hungrily taken up every bit of available space free to grow without my hand pulling them out of the soil, have been shredded instead. While I was weeding this morning, I thanked each weed that provided a diversion for the grasshoppers and I wondered about the weeds in my life and how I never thank them for taking one for the team. Have you thanked the weeds in your life today? :-)

Voltaire said "Chanc

Voltaire said "Chance is a word void of sense; nothing can exist without a cause." So find yours. Why are you doing what you are doing or wanting to do? If you cannot find the determination within you, you will attract it in another around you. Join forces and go for it!