Is it always like this?

I get asked this question every single day - "Is there something wrong with the world in the 21st century or is it always like this?"

As we collect global data, statistics and rhetoric for the ultimate project – survival, in order to see the whole picture it is important for us to seek a balanced view.

Ask yourself this:

Can we identify the commonality between all so-called perpetrators and victims? Without the other side, this story is becoming quite a Greek Soap Opera. The challenge is for each story highlighting a perceived negative; we need to also find an equally positive one.

Who do we think are global predators?
And where are they positively contributing, supportive and loving?

An analysis of this collected data is forming a beautiful portrait of a world in transition – in another cycle. Look at the world order – the old and the prospective new. What is being expressed and repressed by each and what are the benefits and drawbacks of these?

When the world's media frenzy focuses on some tragedy somewhere - oops look a tsunami - here comes another hurricane - ah too bad an earthquake – did ya hear bout dem dere darn air crashes - ooh miners trapped underground - MEANWHILE somewhere someone is doing something (cue dramatic music!!!!)

What is happening elsewhere in the world undetected, as we are kept mindlessly distracted by daily regurgitations?

The questions from my clients continue.

How does this affect me?
Where do I fit?
How can I connect my interests (doing what I love) with the world present form and voids + future requirements to find an opportunity for me to capitalise on a new enterprise catering for a world in transition?

My answer is there is no WHY I could possibly give you to explain YOUR view of the world.

Is there a way - a system to identify and recognise the current form you are dealing with so you can better plan and prepare during this global transition?

The answer is inside of you.
The answer is in the system and structure of your own life right now.
The answer is in the observation of humanity in its systems and structure right now.
The answer is in the observation of the earth - nature - in its systems and structure right now.

Observe and study yourself.
What are your interests?
What are your needs?
What do you identify as holding value in your life?
What do you think is missing in your life?
Where is it but not yet integrated, appreciated and valued as it is without limitations?

Ask the same questions for Humanity?
Ask the same questions for the Earth?

So is there really something wrong right now?
Is it always like this?

Order Reigns

The family is the fundamental social dynamic. Order reigns no matter what.

Supposedly in the 21st Century, most families are dysfunctional. Compared to what?

The trick for humanity is to see that there is balance in regardless of how unbalanced it may all appear.

Relationships begin and relationships end with each setting of the sun. Watch the dynamics of your circle when one person leaves! Somewhere somehow one or many people will express what your ex partner did. You won't miss a thing!

In a family dynamic, what one-person represses, another will express.

In a social group, what one-person suppresses, another will express.

In a workplace, what one-team member represses, another will express.

In a society, what one individual suppresses, another will express.

For an interesting group exercise, I asked each of my children to make lists of everything they liked and loathed in each other. When I examined the lists, there was a balance of positives and negatives. Buttons are being pushed to express something that is being suppressed. This is an important function of family. Unfortunately, for some reason, the education of humanity does not seem to extend to this basic function and therefore families fight, fall apart and fail to see the beauty in the dynamic order.

We forget to see the love because holding onto the pain seemingly holds more short-term benefits. We forget that we are each privileged to be a part of each other’s growth and evolution.

Examine your life through the eyes of a scientist collecting valuable data for a case study. What you no longer express due to whatever reason will be expressed by someone around you. You may have been beautiful in youth and now your daughter expressed this on your behalf. You may have had a budding musical career in your 20s and now your eldest child expresses it on your behalf. Your artistic ability long forgotten in the day to day dirge will emerge in one of your mates. The anger you try so hard to hide will be loudly and resoundingly expressed and shared by a child, a parent or a partner or even a client. There is no escape. Nature is filled with scavengers - waste not want not. If you don't use it, someone else will.When they realise that we were all brought together for a divine purpose, eventually they will transcend into states of unconditional love for themselves and each other.

Our experiences - however painful or pleasureable they appear are exactly what we need. It may be perceived that our lives are failures and irresponsible and simply wrong. The reality is that our heart instinctively KNOWS there is some sort of divine order underlying the web of life and just nods and smiles whenever we question ourselves.

We’re all the same.

We’re all balanced.

We’re all in order.

All we need is the faith and the trust that all is in order.

I ask

To the Universe, We give thanks for our lives and ask your help to live as human beings. We ask you to recognize this sacred circle and hear our prayers.

Teach us the ways of respect.

To the Air and the Wind in the East, I ask you to watch over the old ones in my family. Keep them healthy until it is their time to cross over then take them quickly. I give thanks for my four children and the passage into their earth walk from my womb. Help them to continue to see each day through the eyes of a child, fill their hearts and heads with wonder and to take each step in the knowledge of the seven generations before them and the seven generations to come.

To the Earth in the North, through our feet, we draw strength from you. You nurture and shelter us. Even though we do not respect you as we should, season after season, you continue to feed us and clothe us. Again and again, we come to you, placing our feet upon your soft earth, your skin – feeling your heartbeat, feeling your lifeblood. We ask you to teach us about love. We ask you to teach us about forgiveness. We ask you to teach us about trust.

To the Moon Goddess, thank you for your gift of life to me as a woman so that for a short time, I existed as one with each of my children.

To the Fire of the Sun in the West, thank you for teaching us that no matter how dark the night, there is always light. To the Fire of the stars, and the lightning and the thunder, I thank you for continuing to re energize the earth with your incredible power. I ask that you feed our bodies with that same power and energy so that we may become healing pipelines for all who come into contact with us.

Love is not simply a groan of pleasure or a sweet word. Like the Fire, Love is fierce and demanding. Without its fire, its strength and its commitment, how can it sustain in the warp of time? I ask you to fire the love that surrounds us, breathe it to life, and inflame the passions which bring joy and pain.

To the Water and the Waves and the Rivers and the Oceans in the South, I bring every broken heart. Within this circle, I ask you to see the heart of humanity and touch it to its very core. If it be good for the masculine and for feminine, I ask you to find a way for them to come together. If it not be good for either, I ask that you find a way to release them both into new dreams and hearts.

As pines keep the shape of the wind, even when the wind has fled and is no longer there, so words guard the shape of man, even when the man has fled and is no longer there. I ask that all words between us be worth the memory and the energy and the love.


It all began innocently as I re read Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock.
I was searching for something of interest to give my friends on their way to Egypt. Some idea, thought or concept to consider while exploring the Land of the Pharaohs.

I've always been attached to the legend of the Sphinx and the 3 pyramids at Giza in some sort of sub conscious fashion and was researching for some information of relevance in that area. Anyway, we all know that the three great pyramids at Giza and the Sphinx were part of an earth bound gigantic map of the skies as they supposedly appeared 10500 years ago.

Earth's Polar Radius: The Pyramid embodies a scale ratio of 1/43200.
The height is 43200 = 3938.685 miles, which is the polar radius of the Earth.
Equatorial Circumference of the Earth: The Pyramid embodies a scale ratio of 1/43200.
The perimeter of the base * 43200 = 24,734.94 miles
This is also the rate of precession of the equinoxes.
This pyramid is like a map of the earth and the heavens.

Okay so is this 43200 number a coincidence? I investigated further.
This is what I discovered:
The smallest basic unit of time is called a respiration. Aside from the obvious correspondence to the length of a human breath, four seconds is very precisely one minute of arc of the apparent revolution of the sun about the earth during a day. If one considers a half breath (inbreath or out breath) this is 1/43,200 of a day. These digits also feature in Hindu and Mayan chronologies.
1/43,200 is the Shutter Speed of a camera.
In any bet or competition, the largest odds are 1:43200
Time Calculation: Twelve hours constitutes a unit (one rotation of the hour hand) of 12 x 60 = 720 minutes, and 12 x 3,600 = 43,200 seconds, conversely giving the smallest unit the implication of 1/720 or 1/43,200.
For thousands of years, Maps have been and still are printed on 13 by 19 inch paper in the scale 1:43,200, or one inch equals 3600 feet.
A 4320-year quantum is exclusive reality of non-local (solar space)

My question now? How on earth did the Egyptians know all of this let alone build it into their pyramids?
My search today took my to some incredible books and sites.
The biggest bombshell for me was that Dr Demartini speaks of Plancks dimensions all the time when discussing the collapse in quantum physics. Well, today I discovered that Plancks is the guy who identified 4320 as being the universal measurement of time and space. Coincidence? Keep going - 2012 and the Mayan Calendar also measure by - guess what - yep - 43200.
I believe now that all discussions and research and education is mathematical in nature and origin and therefore it will be in the numbers that our answers and keys will lie.
An exceptionally talented metaphysician recently told me that nothing is ever what it seems - it is merely a smaller bit of something bigger!
Do we measure all the bits in a formula calculated on 43200?
4 + 3 + 2 = 9. What does a 9 signify?
I guess my next search is all about 9.