Becoming Unstuck

I've been really feeling stuck for the past month. So stuck in fact that I havent been able to function in the business of my life as I usually can. The pattern in my life has been to suppress my STUCKEDNESS and just keep going as a responsible member of humanity is supposed to do right?

Well, during the month of May, it became impossible to continue to just keep going as per usual.

I didnt sleep. Sobbing occupied midnight to 6am. I avoided intimacy on every level. I experienced major panic attacks when my boys played rugby. I completely rejected one of my son's in my life. I worked day and night only going home to sleep. I avoided as many social activities as possible. Not only was I uninspired, however I couldnt even muster up any MOTIVATION to go to work at the office or do any sort of housework at home. In social situations that I dragged myself alone to, I became contraversial, obnoxious, drinking way too much and simply didnt bother with my usual nurturing of the group. I felt lost, alone and unloved.

All this time I worked with OTHERS to balance these very feelings. Yet my balance was lopsided.

I owned a house in the city - a very old heritage cottage which - yes - it is haunted. We moved our business into the top level - great location - heaps of space - a very funky office. The more time I spent there the more I noticed more activity with Vincent, our resident ghost energy. (the name just seemed to fit - no idea where it came from)The noises, scraping, scratching, banging and chilliness escalated and the business and the team began to experience unusual negative transformations.

A friend of mine who is a kinesiologist and a trained Hindu/Buddhist master gave his opinion about our experiences with Vincent. In his philosophy, Tibetans believed that in death, a soul trapped in between the dimensions is stuck in a state of flux. Perhaps when Vincent died he was infatuated and/or resentful and this kept him trapped and stuck in this energy field of flux - in this house - for whatever reason. Thoughts, (our logic), Feelings (our emotions) and Sensations (our physical body senses) hold vibration and frequency. Perhaps his fearkept him STUCK in between living and dead? Never having died, I have no clue - just making this stuff up!

As a certified facilitator in The Demartini Method®, I have been trained in how Infatuation and Resentment are powerful motivators, balancing each other and serving to cycle our behaviour. The Demartini Method® is designed to balance the charge of the infatuation/resentment, raise the vibration to an equilibrium and becoming light so I figured I would use the method on Vincent by surrogating myself with fascinating results.

Vincent was mirroring ME where I have been feeling stuck. This was actually all about me and Vincent was MY surrogate. So I used the TDM on myself and faced my own demons. It took me a while to do it, but when I embraced my own darkness in this house I no longer saw that it was dark and actually felt more of my own light and the power of THAT was overwhelming. I was SO afraid of my power and allowed myself to believe a mythology that was a lop sided perspective and only 50% correct. When I owned the space and gave Vincent the options of becoming light or flesh, I was actually opening myself up to my OWN options.

When the exercise was complete, I walked through the house and felt safe, light and at peace for the first time in my experience of it. For the first time I did not feel like anyone was watching me as I left the office.

The following morning, upon arrival, the office was in darkness a it had lost power during the night. Whether this had something to do with the rain or Vincent's energy transformation or MINE, I have no answer. However I "felt" different - Brave somehow, and peaceful.

Thanks Vincent for showing me where I felt "stuck"!

The Secret Is There Is No Secret

Ssssshhhhhhhhhhhh don’t tell anyone – it’s a SECRET!!!! And only you know!!!

Its funny - my brother and sister in law called me yesterday to say they just watched The Secret.
My children are now talking about it and everywhere I go, I hear people raving or bagging about it. For a while there I was caught up in the infatuation that maybe humanity was becoming more open to Universal and Natural Laws and that we were preparing globally to face the next five years in a greater state of enlightenment.

With the globe going crazy for The Secret, and all these media shows gunning for the Philosophers with equal fervent, I realized that perhaps we - humanity ARE heading for
an interesting shift - a transformation.

Remember the Law of Conservation – we have what we have – nothing more and nothing less.
Nothing is missing and nothing changes – it is already here in another form. Is it possible that the so called New Age Philosophy is actually all about this Transformation process?

The Law of Cause and Effect dictates that there is a balance – a natural law balance 50/50 – Yin and Yang – Day and Night – Up and Down. To know yourself, to know life is to understand universal and natural law. Natural Law needs the system and Universal Law provides the balance – the duality – the polarity. These laws are Philosophy and Science.

The Law of Cause and Effect is a Universal and Natural Law.
For one thing, It explains the Holy Trinity Game: The Victim, the Perpetrator and the Hero.
Eg You caused me this effect with your action.
Either I am hurt (victim), I hurt (perpetrator) or I stopped the hurt (hero)

Consider that We are all three.
Consider that We have been all three.
Consider that We will continue to be all three.

Whichever part you play in that game is a matter of perspective. This is the great paradox of life. This is one of The Secrets. This Holy Trinity Game is played when we live our life in judgement.We live our lives in judgement 50% of the time. A Judgement is a label that identifies a trait so we can understand it and manage it in a system. Every system requires labels. Life also requires us to dissolve labels and see ourselves as the SAME as everyone else.

This is the Law of Polarity and Duality.

Apply this to The Secret.

50% will infatuate The Secret and expect it to work without really understanding
the science. After a while, when things don’t CHANGE in the form they ASKED for, they will sink into a deep depression or resentment. (Depression is the manifestation of an unfulfilled Infatuation.)

50% will resent it and bag it straight away. People playing the Holy Trinity Game will pounce on so called New Age concepts like The Secret. Why? Because they feel RESPONSIBLE for others to tell them the truth. RESPONSIBLE = HERO – Truth – whose truth? There is the ego truth and the universal truth. TRUTH – Universal – may be perceived differently to the ego truth. Both truths are TRUTH. Playing the Holy Trinity Game is part of playing the Human Game. It provides an important balance.

Perhaps in approx 18 to 24 months a shift will occur in the 50% who infatuate The Secret. If it doesn’t work and doesn’t manifest and attract what we want, how will we feel?
For The Secret to have an impact, study and understanding is a pre requisite of the universal laws of duality, polarity and quantum physics (to name but a few) by first identifying and labeling and then collapsing judgment, in line with Life’s paradox, while living in gratitude and faith. (This concept is the basis of every theology that has ever been expressed. This is NOT a new concept.)

The infatuation % will actually have a greater % of perceived failures and the disappointment and resentment will create a greater resentment % than the original 50% who resented it in the first place. Those resentment 50% will gradually grow in appreciation of the same concepts but in a different form until both % are balanced with transformed beliefs.

The balance AFTER The Secret frenzy dies down is that it will be that the same % of people who study The Ologies, seek enlightenment (for want of a better word) and are willing to do the research and work will remain the same.

The benefits are that humanity gets the opportunity to raise its global frequency in alignment with the increase of the earths hum and balance the dying religion numbers. The drawbacks are that popular culture (movies, TV, art, and music) will be released to balance The Secret mania that will be reflecting darker and blacker frequencies. Become aware of popular television concepts and the ratio of horror movie releases. The more positive humanity becomes, the more we attract equilibrating events around the world to most certainly bring us all back to earth with a thud.

Therefore all will remain in order as it always has been and always will be. Nothing will change, a transformation will occur in our perspectives. That is what The Secret is all about - a Transformation. There is a Power to Positive Thinking and there is also a Power to Negative Thinking. BOTH are in order. Never expect to just think POSITIVE. Consider that when it is day light in Australia, it is Night in Italy. Both sides of the planet can NEVER be daylight at the same time. This is a natural law. There are benefits and drawbacks for BOTH.

The Secret is there IS NO SECRET. There IS NO rapid answer or quick fix. The Law of Attraction is true insofar as interconnectivity defines the universe. As a society, we do not have time to read philosophy, to engage in esoteric discussions, or to formulate theories. Even psychotherapy is too long and too costly an undertaking. We want the ready-made, the microwaved, the heat-and-serve, the wash-and-wear; we do not want to be bothered with serious study and careful analysis. We want answers at a discount, nicely packaged and ready to go. And that's what The Secret is all about. Ingenious marketing for the masses! I appreciate it and love Rhonda Byrne’s work!! Good on her!

My only suggestion is that she re markets it THE SECRET PART ONE. Then balance it with PART TWO so audiences can see the OTHER SIDE of the planet and therefore 100% of the picture.

The real secret is that all this New Age stuff that people love to ridicule and find so amusing is actually for real. Just like every major religion is at its core, before they've been perverted through the centuries. Quantum physics has tied together all the mysteries of consciousness that have been explained by Ancient cultures since the dawn of time.

Ssssshhhhhhhhhhhh don’t tell anyone – it’s a SECRET!!!! And only you know!!!