Magic Moments in Europe

Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers, that the mind can never break off from the journey. " Pat Conroy from The Prince of Tides

I had the BEST time - even now - months later - I still feel excited at the thought of my trip. Great moments frozen in time:

Soccer Frenzy in Every Country
The Shooting Star over the Roof Terrace in Rome
Fireworks in Sorrento
Flower Sellers Face at the Trevi Fountain when I thanked his Mother (Oh bring it on beyattchhh!!!)
Realising in Amsterdam that Hollandaise sauce actually comes from Holland.
Spewing in Cologne
The smell of REAL strawberries in Switzerland
Hearing a German band sing ACDC
Looking for a fictional Beggar Woman in the streets of Venice
St Marks Square Venice at night - Tenors Singing, Medieval Buildings alight - the air was thick with beauty and love - and la bella luna e l'amore.
Swiss Band Chulee yodelling through We Will Rock You complete with accordion.
Looking for Sausages in Heidelberg
Texting Jody from Cannes while She is in Labour
Daily Seat Allocation on the Bus - very important to get it right! ach tung!
Testosterone explosion in Lucerne
Aussie guys picking up a small defenceless little car in Rome and moving it out of the way so that our bus could pass by.
Roman skin flick live cuming in a park near you!
Big Icky and Lil Icky
Cows with Beautiful Eyes in Switzerland
Finding a Magic Room FOR FREE!!