Nowhere to Go

They have raced down and stomped up
shaking my foundations.
They have slid and slipped and tripped and fallen.
I can still hear the children playing with
the echoes of laughter still ringing.
I can still feel them hanging and running and
jumping and swinging.

I remember one girl.
She stood on me many years ago and contemplated her future with a man who lied.
I held her on my deck and wrapped my arms around her but she couldn’t feel me.
I never felt her again.

For years I lay abandoned and unloved myself.
One man walked down and climbed up
but mostly ignored me.
I fell apart.
He didn’t notice for a long long time.

After many years of neglect,
some strangers used hammers and pulled me apart,
Until all that was left standing were my
old worn out steps.
Steps with Nowhere to Go.