I ask

To the Universe, We give thanks for our lives and ask your help to live as human beings. We ask you to recognize this sacred circle and hear our prayers.

Teach us the ways of respect.

To the Air and the Wind in the East, I ask you to watch over the old ones in my family. Keep them healthy until it is their time to cross over then take them quickly. I give thanks for my four children and the passage into their earth walk from my womb. Help them to continue to see each day through the eyes of a child, fill their hearts and heads with wonder and to take each step in the knowledge of the seven generations before them and the seven generations to come.

To the Earth in the North, through our feet, we draw strength from you. You nurture and shelter us. Even though we do not respect you as we should, season after season, you continue to feed us and clothe us. Again and again, we come to you, placing our feet upon your soft earth, your skin – feeling your heartbeat, feeling your lifeblood. We ask you to teach us about love. We ask you to teach us about forgiveness. We ask you to teach us about trust.

To the Moon Goddess, thank you for your gift of life to me as a woman so that for a short time, I existed as one with each of my children.

To the Fire of the Sun in the West, thank you for teaching us that no matter how dark the night, there is always light. To the Fire of the stars, and the lightning and the thunder, I thank you for continuing to re energize the earth with your incredible power. I ask that you feed our bodies with that same power and energy so that we may become healing pipelines for all who come into contact with us.

Love is not simply a groan of pleasure or a sweet word. Like the Fire, Love is fierce and demanding. Without its fire, its strength and its commitment, how can it sustain in the warp of time? I ask you to fire the love that surrounds us, breathe it to life, and inflame the passions which bring joy and pain.

To the Water and the Waves and the Rivers and the Oceans in the South, I bring every broken heart. Within this circle, I ask you to see the heart of humanity and touch it to its very core. If it be good for the masculine and for feminine, I ask you to find a way for them to come together. If it not be good for either, I ask that you find a way to release them both into new dreams and hearts.

As pines keep the shape of the wind, even when the wind has fled and is no longer there, so words guard the shape of man, even when the man has fled and is no longer there. I ask that all words between us be worth the memory and the energy and the love.