Playing is the new Black

It's interesting observing the human identification process and suppressing my need to know.

This morning I saw how we all seek to identify ourselves through organisations. eg Demartini students at first identify themselves with the traits they are collapsing. How many times do you hear them/me/you/us say - I'll have to work on that" - "I'll have to collapse that."??? We identify ourselves with the positive or negative side of the trait. Instead of observing we identify.

Then those who choose to become facilitators, in their training, identify themselves with traits PLUS they identify themselves with being a Facilitator - and the infatuation/resentment cycle commences. Add to that, an identification with the Promoter, another Facilitator and Demartini himself.

Literally layers of stories!

Ok here it is - I'm asking the question WHY do we seek to align/associate/pattern ourselves with external aspects of - well - ourselves?

If I quiet my brain and just watch it for a moment - sshhhh - the answer is in Nature isn't it? Animal species colour their hides and shells with various camouflages as part of an ongoing survival instinct. They don't colour themselves - they don't create it themselves (sorry Bob) - they create their own version of their own perception don't they? Ah - they create their own story!

What is the Darwinian theory in this regard? Over time Girrafes stretch their necks to reach high food - mmm - I'll just sit in that for a bit maybe.

Then I thought about BRANDS - ha! the ultimate identity!

How funny - I have been working on BRANDS with clients for a few years now. I begin the process with a Value assessment - the ultimate self identification process. This morning while doing the exercise I see the entire Branding process in a different light. The building of a Brand is a creative enterprise - like designing a house, composing a song, scripting a movie and writing a novel. A Brand is another story - written specifically to achieve specific purpose and goals.

Only NOW, seeing it like the director in "The Truman Show" movie, it seems easier and more fun - impossible to fail! There IS not succeed or fail - only play! It is our relationship to MONEY - FAIR EXCHANGE - where we perceive bad or good - succeed or fail!!!

Once the creative process is complete, business seems to more like a game of cards - we're trying on different strategies and tactics. Keeping score in a structured system maintains a constant flow of feedback which eventually self generates its own benchmarking system and process for compare and contrast - one strategy to use to monitor the game and observe the fair exchange.

This morning I have watched the humble story transform into a game - still the same element - only expressed in another way - like water - ice and steam.

Losing a game isn't bad. Winning a game isn't good. Playing the game holds a black hole of possibilities - both good and bad.

Playing is the NEW Black.