We can justify every

We can justify every single event in our lives by attributing cause and effect from various stories. No court in the world could pass judgment against the wealth of pain and suffering and perpetuated evil in the stories that human beings write, live and carry around with them as some sort of badge of honor. I wonder how many workshops, seminars, courses, books, religions, saviors and gurus it takes for one human being to simply say “I’m writing a new story. These old ones are done.” Look around you. Witness just how many people simply say and DO just that. Imagine at the Monty Python Crucifixion scene in the Life of Brian movie - where the centurion no longer asks “Crucifixion? Right – one cross each.” Instead he queries “New story? Right – take your pick. We have a large variety for you to choose from. Take as many as you like. Have fun playing with them and bring them back in good nick once you’re finished with them.” Can it be as simple as just saying “I want a new story” and puff – “I now have a new story”? Maybe. However instead of looking for the WHY in everything of our past and present, perhaps we could simply appreciate the HOW we have been and focus our attention and intention on the WHAT of our intention. The WHAT can be absolutely anything – you choose – anything at all. Once you choose the WHAT, you commence the creative process in the story of your life. Don't believe me - just look at all the marketing and business that surrounds you. :-)