I am Furious

This is a great word.
I am experiencing the fierce passion of fury and the Latin verb to rage and be mad.

The Romans apparently used the word FURIAE to translate the Greek myth about the avenging deities sent from Tartarus to punish criminals. Boy can I relate to that today! ggrrrrr..

No matter how much I collapse and analyze this, I remain furious, angry, pissed off, indignant and outraged.

Why? Because hsjfrbvyuwfajdngkblsk – that’s why!

This has happened before so why am I so angry today? I mean I am SO f**king furious right now!

Am I am resentful that all my best efforts to legitimise and systemise and account and comply have seemingly been a waste of time? (Note the Crusader Warrior sneaking in here?) My first thoughts are that I have not worked in Fair Exchange, and therefore what I feel today is good old fashioned resentment. Why have I not worked in Fair Exchange?

I can list 1000+ justifications and they all hover above appreciation, value and worth. Welcome to Business 101 or more appropriately - LIFE 101.I can list positives and negatives in equal balance. What is my fury REALLY about then? This begins with me. If I do not value what I do, and slap an identification on it in a mathematical financial numerical form – a cost – then I will attract business partners and clients to me that do not value themselves either. The drive to discount or self sacrifice is a reflected self value and inspires the choices in operational and purchasing habits. Our value systems decree our preferred expression of exchange.

So if I believe that my value isn’t being recognised 100% in an expression of money exchange, in what OTHER unit of exchange is my value being recognised?

Education, Network, Freedom, Creativity are some that spring to mind. If I appreciate them, remembering that appreciation is ultimately a financial term, then my value IS being recognized. It’s all about MY value system and MY appreciation for everything that I have created. So therefore, if I look hard enough, and unzip my victim suit, I can see that YES I DO conduct my business in Fair Exchange after all.

I cannot change the values of another however I CAN upgrade how I transact with them.

So am I still angry? Yes and no.

OK I feel a little less charged. I'm more infuriatedacious now.

OK It is the same for anyone you wish to relate, serve, sell or market to in anyway. And this is the first place to begin – identifying THEIR value system.

Values are not morals or ethics. Values are a set of beliefs that we identify and define ourselves with. Where do they come from? Ultimately at birth we choose a mythology, create psychological patterns, build structures and pretty much make it up as we go along.

Some of my patterns are the warrior princess crusader, the earth mother, the guru and the naughty little girl. These are character traits that I chose. It’s important to remember that there are over 4400 character traits that have been scientifically defined and we each have every single one. What does this say about us? We are master creators who can be whatever and whoever we choose depending on the benefits and drawbacks of our environments. We are chameleons who are experts at creating our lives however we wish.

Yet humanity exists in a conscious plane of victim hood. I can’t do this because of XYZ. We all live here at some point.When dealing with people, it’s important to recognise their values, their mythology and their victim pattern. Once you see them in yourself then you can create strategies to more effectively communicate and integrate with them if you so choose.

For example, there are some sectors of humanity who express exchange in colours of control and respect because they feel old and fear they hold lesser value. We live in a changing world yet there are still many people reluctantly clinging to ancient beliefs continuing to ride dinosaurs and wearing bear skins. I think if we look closely at ourselves we can see that in some way and in some area of our lives, each of us has a dangerous attachment to a saurus of some kind. And even though we wouldn’t be seen dead in those mangy old furs, we still try them on occasionally in the dark corners of our wardrobes. ssshhh I'm getting a visual!

Therefore my fury is all about people refusing to change and upgrade for the better. That would be MY version of better by the way! My fury is about someone expressing themselves in THEIR values and not MINE. Ugh I’m starting to get this. Where do I refuse to change? Ah ..........in my steadfast obsession with compliance, accountability and systemization? Ah ha! I’m angry because my mythology of the warrior crusader who makes it all happen and fixes the world is no longer of service. Anger is the signpost of my boredom with playing that game. If I'm honest, I really wish to try something new!

I’m not angry anymore. Now I'm planning my new game.