Money Money Money

My daughter has always wanted to travel to Italy.

Very young, freshly graduated from university with a very large mortgage and corporate vocation it seemed that her dream was a long way off, until, that is, a series of unusual events gave her the time, space and opportunity to take her dream holiday. She did not have the money yet believed that somehow she would find it and make it happen.

She made a choice, valued her long term vision and appreciated herself in a way she has never done before. Since that day, she and her partner have "received" thousands of dollars in various unexpected ways through bonus payments, unexpected tax returns, lotto winnings and even finding money on the street.

My daughter has not studied any of the popular inspirational motivational personal development programs - she thinks it is all a pile of crap. :-) However naturally she has begun to live her life magically. Her life has become a CHOICE. I look at her recent experience and marvel at how she has so effortlessly begun to master her creations.

I still hear my dad's voice in my head telling me that life is tough and I should get used to it! Ah the indoctrination of our generation!Thats his mythology - I choose to create my own.

Money is just one unit of exchange where we express our power as a creator. It is impossible to run out of units of exchange. It is our choice how we express our power – money, knowledge, love, friendship, business, imagination or resources. Based on our current hierarchy of values, our expressions are endless. I can sit here at my laptop and write as many words as I choose. I can read as many books as I choose. I can love as many people as I choose.

When we appreciate the ME of us, our lives, our creations, our values and our units of exchange, we have the ability to create as much money as we choose.

The HOW is this appreciation begins with the ME.

It is in the understanding of our internal and external creations that we create a starting point.

Identifying our hierarchy of values – as they stand now – knowing they will evolve as we choose - raise actions or lower standards - we choose.

Looking at our lives – the benefits and the drawbacks and developing an attitude of gratitude for both sides.

Appreciating the mythology we have created and the incredible power behind everything that we have created so far – really marvelling with childlike wonder – wow – look at this creation!!

Seeing where life really sucks – sitting in it – roll around in the mud and grime of it – and loving that as the master creator we chose to create a prison to break out of maybe just to create escape routes and elaborate plans. OR we could choose to renovate the prison into a resort and stay or go as we please in true freedom - whatever we want. We reclaim our power from the stuff that sucks and use that power for whatever we choose instead.

Try shifting focus when paying bills - feel loved and appreciated and excited that in paying these bills we are actually paying the ME in US. Any debt that we have incurred forms part of OUR VALUE so therefore if we FEEL grateful for the debt and see it as an opportunity to expand our VALUE and WORTH, the power is positive rather than negative.

Have a look and see what we think is missing in our lives and see where we already have it.

Making the choice to have fun playing in business knowing we can express ourselves in any unit of exchange we want is both liberating and empowering.

Just have fun in anything that we do.

Feel JOY with each creation regardless of its perceived positive or negative.

See money as APPRECIATION.

The more we appreciate it, the more it will grow.As this appreciation grows, our perceptions of an infinite abundance feels more real and then the limits begin to melt away.

Really that five year old is still running our lives and she is playing games, having fun and in this way has created the WHAT in these units of exchange for many people I know:

Receiving unexpected Tax Refund payments
Finding a vacancy in a 5 star hotel in a town which had purportedly been booked out for months.
Meeting someone new and creating another business enterprise without planning for it – just happened, was fun and financially rewarding
Booking an overseas trip at the last minute and finding the money to pay for it without dipping into my savings
Winning thousands at a casino first time
Finding forgotten money tucked away in my house for safe keeping

Everywhere we look, there is money.

All you need is an imagination and a willingness to make CHOICES.

Have fun, appreciate what you have, make your choices, reclaim your power and create what you want.