Whats the Charge? How Much?

I realised during my absence from my company and from Australia just how much power we each have that we use indirectly and covertly.

A tale of woe and the erection of verbal brick walls (I cant do it) are our creations when we use chaos, challenge and tragedy as tools and strategies for life. I know with certainty that nothing is missing. I continue to see it in every moment. I recognise that the use of loyalty is an effective tool of manipulation. When there is always a reason and an excuse, a justification that an event was caused by an external force, I now recognise how this distraction is of enormous benefit to everyone – in the short term. To maintain an illusion in our lives – we all do this in various forms – we are able to manage the baggage that we all carry. In the short term this is effective however unless we transform this illusion we neve truly value the bit of US that is US and the illusion becomes our version of reality.

Real value where we see both sides – see ALL sides – and are grateful for everything and everyone in our lives regardless of perception or judgement – this is where we can begin to work on purpose and on mission.

We all want something – there is a target in our sights. Yet without REAL VALUE, that target will remain on the horizon and out of reach – and we get to use a tale of woe is me and blame something outside of ourselves and continue to live in illusion.

How beautiful is a country landscape on a clear day? You get to see MORE. Mist and clouds are romantic and affect our emotions and certainly have a great purpose however I also wish to have clarity of my vision. Get the picture?

Imagine you are an auctioneer for a living. You get items each day to sell. Before you open to the market for bidding, you have to examine the item to establish WHAT exactly it is so you can sell to the market.

So you sit in a small room, turn the light on from above, each side and below and look at every part of it – any part you miss lessens the value. Any detail you miss out on in your evaluation is a detail that you lose potential money on in the sale and guaranteed some auction audience member will challenge you on – and you won’t be prepared.

So value you by looking at yourself from every Angle – appreciate (which grows) every side – see the worth and the value without judgement.When you have a charge on something or someone (It’s their fault-That’s money YOU could be charging for the item, however the charge you feel deducts that amount from the total – therefore GIVING some of your value away.

I’ve recently encountered an individual in business that is so charged about everything and everyone that he simply doesn’t have the ability to make any real money. He couldnt value himself from every angle and therefore found it difficult to charge HIS true value and create his true WORTH. I can see his worth but unless HE sees it, he remains one big cost factor. There’s a great lesson for ME as I was valuing loyalty and altruism instead of VALUE and WORTH and APPRECIATION. I am so grateful to him for this lesson. He taught me where I was charged and not manifesting in another value area.

So in a business, if management and staff VALUE themselves and collapse all CHARGES, they have the ability CHARGE a greater VALUE and appreciate their worth instead of the business incurring charges because they have a value on loyalty and altruism instead of true individual self value.

Everyone is of value. Everyone teaches. Everyone learns.