Listen To You

As a child of the 80s, memories of big hair and odd wardrobe choices, I loved Roxette’s “Listen to your Heart”. It was a very simple song, definitely cheesy with a pretty melody. However I have always noticed a power in the repetition of those particular words “Listen to your Heart”.

In this mythology and culture that I have created in my life, a ninth generation Australian with Celtic ancestral lineages, conditioned by a standard education and suburban philosophy, I grew up being told that “intelligent people use their head”. “Think, use your logic, be rational and do the right thing” - these have been encrypted onto my mind vibrations. I have greatly benefited from doing that in 50% of my experience. However if I apply that to everything, my world is limited and I miss out on the vital information the rest of my body, heart and soul is giving me.

Now using my logic, research shows that the same neurological tissue found in the brain is found in the heart. The heart is a second "brain" and our emotional center. It is the voice of the sub conscious mind. The sub conscious mind is always acting as a secondary reflector of thoughts and ideas in the body. So rationally by listening to your head and your heart you have more options for decision-making about your life, your business and your relationships.

Listening to your heart is like tuning into your intuition – your higher self – your inner voice – your universe – your God. The labels are endless and are used in belief systems to identify in language that fits a specific mythology and culture. Call it what you want, you will know it when you feel it.

Your inner voice also speaks through your body.

Listening to your body provides a tremendous amount of useful information that you may not be conscious of. For example, when you meet a certain person, does your stomach tie up in knots? When your boss yells at you, do your shoulders turn into stone? When you feel passionate and alive, does your chest feel warm and open? When we ignore the body's message, we lose out on valuable information designed to let us what works for us and what doesn't. For many people, fear manifests as tightness in their chest. This is valuable information, especially if you aren't aware that you are afraid. Your body alerts you to what makes feels passionate and what doesn't. The body is a source of wisdom designed to tell you when you're on the right path and when you aren't.

The keys to listening to your heart and your body is your Intuition. You know – when you know something without knowing exactly how you know it. The "gut feeling" about something - the job that you knew you shouldn't take, even though it looked good on the surface or the relationship that just felt right for you. That's your intuition talking to you. These feelings are a wealth of information.

The word INTUITION itself means instinct, perception, insight or sixth sense. However if you break down the word it becomes `in-tuition'. The word Tuition means guidance, training, teaching or instruction. Consider that INTUITION is like your personal internal guidance system, helping you negotiate today's fast-pace in every environment – business, relationship, health etc.

Like the hard drive on your computer, your INTUITION is always available and alert, waiting to be accessed to help you make decisions with more confidence. Intuition can improve communication, access information about people and situations, and `sift' through volumes of data.

Intuition is never wrong as it is our access to our Higher Self. However the Logical side of us may sometimes provide the internal critic. "You are not good enough." "Who do you think you are?" "You cant do that." Our logic is designed to protect us – consider our Logic as our own personal Risk Management team. There are benefits and drawbacks to both. However learning to have faith in your Higher Self by collapsing the fearful conditioned critic and following our Truth is a powerful and life changing tool.

In this mythology and culture that we create in our lives we establish a value system which is dictated by a set of beliefs accumulated via this mythology both consciously and unconsciously.Beliefs develop out of past experiences and our interpretations of those experiences. Some of the conscious and unconscious beliefs that we develop limit us. e.g.: You may have a goal to be a successful entrepreneur and create wealth. However you discover that you have a belief - a limiting one - that it's wrong to make a lot of money. Collapsing this perception, breaking it down to see the benefits and the drawbacks to achieve equilibrium where you have no attachment to either belief, will reduce resistance and move closer and clearer towards the manifestation of the abundance that you can create in whatever unit of exchange you choose.

The quality of questions dictates our quality of life. To identify a perception that requires breaking down ask "What do I want?" or "What's the right choice for me to make?" Listen to your heart, body and intuition and trust them. You possess all the answers you need to live a life that feels successful and fulfilling. Listening to your inner voice can lead you on a path that feels deeply satisfying. Your life as expressed in each of the seven areas will flourish with this new level of trust in yourself.

Genius, creativity, and a silent power emerge from your heart and mind the moment you do. The secret of tuning in to its magnificent messages is living with an attitude of gratitude. When your heart is opened wide with gratitude your inner voice becomes loud and clear. If your heart is filled with gratitude, it is almost impossible to stop your inner voice from speaking clearly and profoundly.

The immortal masters of life have been those who have mastered the ability to attune to their great inner voices. Those great beings that mastered this talent left their marks in history. From Christ, to Dante, to Buddha, to Gandhi and many others who listened to their guiding whisper, all have impacted humanity with the resultant immortal expressions of their inner voice.

Be your own Guru. Your intuition is your guide. Imagine a life where you have mastered the art of tuning into your own Guru? How?


The expansion of your wisdom will grow with the faith and trust you place in your own inner Guru.

Demartini says when the voice in the inside is louder than the voice on the outside, you have mastered your life.

Feeling grateful opens your heart. Opening your heart has a physical affect on your molecular structure. You feel better. You feel lighter. When you are light, the energy around you flows through you. You become a part of everything. You are connected to a spiritual internet. So go ahead and google your question. Your genius, your inner wisdom, the universe, your Higher Self, your inner voice, your God – will answer.

Now your logical side will throw doubts at you. History has shown where individuals who have heard their inner voices are considered to be insane. Your logic, as your Risk Manager, will want to protect you from this perceived threat. However history ALSO has preserved the incredible list of the Who’s Who in life who HAVE listened to their inner voice. Consider the Artists, Philosophers, Scientists, Musicians, Politicians, Rulers and Leaders who have followed their own inner Guru and expanded the greatness of themselves and the world. Appreciate the voice of the Risk Manager and Trust your Intuition. Your Risk Manager provides a structure and a system for your Intuition to be expressed, expand and manifest.

Remember - there are 2 sides that the earth will face towards the sun – the day and the night - the positive and the negative – the logical and the intuitive. Know that the sun will come up tomorrow – every single day – and it will set – every single evening. The master sits at the equator as an observer without attachment to either day or night as he KNOWS the earth will continue to spin on its axis no matter what. Appreciate and expand your logic and your intuition in trust and faith.