Continuing to Play the Story Game

Self Analysis - my speciality - seems to be like stapling one foot to the floor and running in circles. ut who is to say that that very action of running in circles ISNT going anywhere. Maybe there isn’t anywhere to go?

Why do I have this need to argue?

A child burns her hand on a hot plate. This burns an imprint into their Bio Survival Brain circuitry and they AVOID touching that hot plate in future.

We are designed to be imprinted with sensory feedback mechanisms so sure we run away if we see a large black bear trying to eat us for breakfast.

However we are also NOT running away – we are protecting ourselves – not running away from that are we? Look at our everyday actions. Look at what we are NOT running away from.

Why am I playing this game?
Why am I incessantly arguing?
Why do I question everything?
Why do I need to be right?

Sometimes it is fun to play – sometimes it most definitely is not.

Is this game mine or is it Universal?
Whose rules do I play by?
Is the game our journey into ourselves?
Can we take this journey without needing to change the journey of another?

I don't seem to know what is a story anymore.
Which is greater - EVERY STORY or NO STORY?

I'm keeping in mind that the process for ME to do this Activation Process is to test, study and provide feedback - the ultimate story.

Isn't the story a bridge? When I am facilitating or training, I draw on analogy in order to translate from MY language into the language of the person I am working with.
Isn't the story simply a tool, a resource to be utilised for a specific purpose?
What lies underneath the story needs no words.

This Activation Process is designed for me to see "the story". How do I communicate about my experience without a story example?
Shall I stand under the stars and send my thoughts through the ether? But no – a thought in itself is a story – so I cannot do that.
Ok I will just be and somehow this will be "felt". No but wait – isn’t a feeling a story?

Fear is rising within me that I will merely be resigned to sitting in my void telling no tales, speaking no stories and sharing no dreams.