A Tale of Two Nicki's

Don't we all swim between the flags of tangible and intangible
Don't we all tell a tale about why and what and why not?
There is always a reason, an excuse and a story.
I hide behind my systems - big story for me - big label - major tool.
But it's not WHO I am.
It is part of HOW I AM.

My systems can only provide a quality service as valuable tools when I contrast them with other forms - which means that my addiction to being a knowledge slut perfectly serves my addiction to creating order. The Busting Loose premise rings very true for me in many ways - but not 100%. I only take a few things from his model (His teaching Method, Reclaiming Power, Appreciation, Patterns and Game Rules) and I ignore the rest.

In my Pushworth business, I "eel" such incredible anger and despondency and despair that my partner refuses to use my system Aquarius 100%. For me, it gives him greater options, saves time, minimises errors and resource and maximises producivity. He admits that yes this is true. However he will never subordinate himself to one system, ideology or person. He will take the best bits that work for him and leave the rest. He keeps himself OPEN for his personal creative outlet AND in order to attract MORE opportunity from clients and situations that may not necessarily fit into my business model immediately - however he finds a way to get the best out of every instance in order to connect to his highest value - profit for the business from a larger cross section of clients - a mixture of network influence and financial benefit.

Where do I do that?

I have never surrendered myself 100% to any person,system or ideology either. I take the best bits of all the models I study - make them work for me - compare and contrast to my particular purpose and brand and leave the rest. This keeps me OPEN to be more creative AND in order to attract MORE opportunity from clients and situations that may not necessarily fit into those various models immediately. As an opportunist, with more systems to choose from, I get the best out of every experience. This compliments MY highest values - profit for both businesses from a larger cross section of clients and I get to commit a neatness! :-) Thats why I could never run my own school. My purpose is in the systems not the content.

I can also see how I can be seen as being rather dishonest as I don't make it clear WHAT I believe or WHO I really am in all of my relationships including business. I deliberately keep things grey and loose for the same reasons and benefits as above.

So the business partner - pissing me off like he always has done - has held a space for me in that business - DOING while I have been BEING - BEING while I have been DOING. In relationships there is always a balance of one person Being and the other person Doing and they collectively have a plan for Having - as that is part of what brings them together in the first place.

It all begins (and ends) with the HAVING though doesnt it?

What do you want to have?
What does it look like?
The HAVING is a benchmark, a system, a checklist, a monitor.
This is the Fantasy.
This is the Goal.
The difference between a Goal and a Fantasy is ACTION - a PLAN - STEPS TO TAKE.
Ask - what is it that I want?
What is my target - my bullseye?
What do I need to DO in order to HAVE that?
HOW will I BE to DO that?
WHAT DO I NEED TO DO to ACHIEVE the WHO and then the WHAT?

This is the Magicians Way – Current Reality, Desired End Result and Bridge exercise.

A great exercise is this:
See where you have been BEING, DOING and HAVING all along - in every one of the seven areas.
See where you already have achieved each of these.
Then convert to what you think you want.
It's all about Currency Conversion.

Sounds great - where do I sign up - just one thing though.......

WHICH "I" wants to sign up? :-)