The Function of a Story

In order for me to make a choice – make decisions in my professional life, there WILL be a story or belief involved – for me anyway – the purpose of a story or belief is like the functionality of sight. Eyesight - vision begins when light rays are reflected off an object and enter the eyes through the cornea, the transparent outer covering of the eye.

My Vision for any aspect of my life begins when “light” is reflected off a mirror (person or thing) and enters my consciousness through a series of filters – cornea, pupil, iris, lens, and retina – which are the various “stories or beliefs” that I have collected. These filters –bend or refract the light that pass through them – each one with a purpose – either opening and closing to regulate light passing through or altering shape to enable a greater rounded focus encompassing front AND back.

These filters contain millions of thoughts, feelings and sensations whose function it is to identify colour and fine details, detect motion, provide peripheral or side vision and assist me to analyze and evaluate in “darkness”. These thoughts, feelings and sensations convert the “light” of my vision into electrical impulses – the same as the cells in the eye’s retina. As the optic nerve sends these impulses to the brain where an image is produced so too I envisage that my conscious choices can send these electrical impulses to my brain to produce an image of what I would love to create.

Of course, I know that the words “conscious” and “choice” sitting together like that is quite a paradox. I clearly see how beliefs make the choices “sub or un – consciously”. I do see that – It's just so challenging to live my daily life with all its obligations while aware of all the tiny little tales playing out within and without me.