The Voice Within

Information is a collection of patterns that are extracted from raw data.
Knowledge is the adaptation of information to situations.
Language is how we communicate this information.
Wisdom determines how this knowledge and communication is used.

What I KNOW - even in stillness and connection to my “Higher Self” is determined and filtered by the basic survival programming that I have developed throughout my life – identity, perceptions, labels, beliefs, values etc. (IMO)
And this is what I mean when I say – I create – I’ve been making up my life for years now. Creation of filter, experience, perception, thoughts, feelings – etc ad nauseum…..

In the past month I have deliberately challenged many of my innate patterns, hanging out with people of differing perspectives, reading outside of my interest area, attending events and launches of brands and products that I have no personal interest in and completely taking myself out of my predictable typical comfort zone. I set up little experiments and listen, observe, calculate and track. It’s been fantastic!

I look at the evolving intelligence of our bodies where our DNA is an information database that drives all our physiological functions, then where we developed the senses and then the central nervous system and of course our information processing system – symbolic language. Mirrored externally as the internet, the “Information Age” followed on from the “Industrial Age” where we converted manufacturing of one form to another and already had a system in place for production and distribution. Internally the organisation and utilization of information being the essence of intelligence convert from manufacturing one form to another, using systems already in place.

Each person's potted version of the universe is unique yet the same - the only difference being language in expression. However unless I live in your head however and you live in mine, (meaning I am you and you are me) we will never know 100%. I see clearly the illusory nature of the concept of a unique individual self and as all around me flows through me with each moment, I am seeing less and less separation and more and more the power of what we humans (probably single cell sensory perceptions in actuality) create in our minds eye each day.

For example I run every morning and don’t listen to my IPOD as I want to hear all the sounds around me. My eyes, ears, nose and touch collect electronic signals which download data and work together in tandem to create a perception of an experience for me. If I DO listen to music, my morning run experience will be different – it will remove me from my local awareness and transport me to where memory and association “created” a template of experience for me to play with. This affects my eyes, ears, nose and touch to the same degree. My whole day can be created from a single experience in the morning.

I know this sounds simple and understated. Therefore I am playing at the moment – playing with this concept, conducting my own research and case studies until I can adequately and effectively translate MY potted version of the universe into language that can be translated and universally understand – if I so desire.

There are times when I observe others in my life revolving in the same cycle, getting nowhere fast - but THINKING they have their shit together. I have no idea of what’s going on underneath the other's experiences – who knows what 90% of the iceberg lurking under water is doing! I judge them because I seek to label everything that I see as a form of contrast for myself and because I am seeing myself as others see me now. How can I possibly "know" that someone is revolving in the same cycle and getting nowhere fast. ha! If I see that - then obviously I am looking at myself in the mirror of another.

Listen to the one voice within instead of the thousands without.