The Language of the Story

The Language that we use is the dialogue between thought, reason and imagination. This vehicle of expression requires words. We choose certain words that are composed of letters of the alphabet which originate in symbols which are the “faces of archetypal forces emerging as recognisable forms” – maps – clues – signposts – filtered through our own mythology which is filtered again by endless values. We are translating subjective experiences into objective communication and using a specific unique language to do so.

The way that I chose a word, combine it in a sentence, surround it with other words, choose an order of expression and deliver the sentence, is driven by my many stories or monomyths or archetypical experiences. There is a system involved in these language expressions of mine.

Will – or Choice
Being open – Allowing
Creating a limited form of the creation – packaging a product of expression if you like

My language expression is based on the Three Splendours in the Kabbalah. Every word we use in turn creates a void requiring a value - a space and a meaning for the space. Emanation, formation, creation, action – in and out – within and without – the creation of language - just as the Tree of Life – the creation of our world – just as the sacred language, sex – all different forms – but all based on the same principles.

We each have not one but endless stories – creations where we express every trait. Those have been drawn to ancient teachings, clearly understand that these teachings (more stories) can be used as tools to help us reawaken to the knowledge of our divine and celestial origins – if that is the desired end result for us.

In every story there is a clue. In every story, the words we use provide deeper alchemical symbology, giving our stories colour and texture for the eye of the beholder – the reader tuned into our frequency.

Religions and Personal Development - or Self Help programs work with various versions of story telling. The Magicians Way premise is to look at our stories and see where we identify with one or more of them, appreciate this and then choose to open to the divine within instead of the limited packaged product of just one story. Demartini’s premise is exactly the same – delivered in his unique mythology, values, language and filtered by his voids.

There is a great video in the Busting Loose DVDby Robert Scheinfeld, which illustrates that whichever way you go – out into the cosmos or into the body – to as far as you can go – they are both the same – light.

Ultimately all stories are the same and all lead to light. In a collapse session, we sit in a darkened room, with one light shining on one small object. If we move that one light in any direction over that one small object we will see different angles and possible shapes or stories. An angle that one person might see could be expressed in specific words. That same angle seen by me may be expressed in different words. We are both seeing the same object – that doesn’t change – only our expression of our perception does.

As facilitators and teachers, part of our function with clients is (IMO) to inspire (stimulate, motivate or encourage) contrast in order for the client to grasp the concept logically via example – of the greater design of the object. This contrast can only ever be expressed and filtered via the facilitator or teacher’s own mythology – providing an alternative story – or an alternative beginning, middle or ending to the same story – a story that never ends. (And we could continue to spiral) The end result – the ultimate Truth – may take a few steps – a few collapses – before we get there. (if there is a possibility that is) Sometimes, a client cannot see any other angle other than the one that is identified with strongly (for survival) and therefore as facilitators and teachers, providing relief (resolving tension) is just as valuable as holding it and taking it into the ultimate Truth.

In any type of relationship amid exchanges of information there are times when it seems like we are in the middle of a kitchen renovation. Part of our house has been pulled apart for a specific purpose. An architect has drawn up designs and produced a picture (end result) of how the kitchen will look. We have taken the time to make a list of what we want, created a budget and made our choices to align with that budget, made a commitment to the renovation, entered into an agreement with each other about the colours, textures and designs that suit both our needs (as we are both paying for it) and set a schedule and deadline with the builder to complete this renovation. The old kitchen will be destroyed – everything will need to be removed from the shelves and stored somewhere else in the interim. Part of the renovation process means that there will be inevitable disarray and chaos for a time. The mess will be outside of our control. However these is a certain level of excitement in this mess, as we have a picture of our choice for our end result that we focus on – knowing that the mess is finite and limited – as we look forward to our new creation together. The rubble created forms a critical aspect in the renovation process as does the holding of the tension (focus) on the end result.

If we sit and watch this renovation, we will see – step by step, that there is a specific process in the destruction and creation of this kitchen.

However, what is the relationship exchange partners do not co-own a house, have not consciously sat down together and made a plan, shared our choices, designed an end result, painted a picture or set a limited deadline for this renovation? As human beings are invariably process oriented beings, the ability to undertake renovations like this with another forms part of is a looping behavioural pattern. There are benefits and drawbacks for this pattern obviously. I can convert this for use in business for that is my vehicle of expression. Another person could convert this for use in music or art in the same fashion.

Lets go back to the kitchen renovation. The architect in his design will take into consideration certain variables based on his experience and knowledge of kitchen renovations and he will factor these into his design. The builder will also take into consideration certain variables based on his experience and knowledge of kitchen renovations and he will factor these into his plan. Both these professionals are scientists employing universal principles to identify variables in the patterns of their service and through these principles. (Here is my version)

Definition of a Truth•
Form a Belief•
Measure against a Benchmark
The Scientific Method begins:•
Gather information and resources - provide an example•
Identify Examples of the Characterisation•
Factor in Variables•
Develop Hypothesis•
Analyse the Data•
Interpret the Data•
Draw Conclusions – Make Predictions

From these Conclusions we apply the principles of our method as above•

From these Experiments we apply the principles of our method as above•
Publication of Results - systemisation
Philosophy and Sociology•

We examine what lies underneath our logic, our belief, our filtering system.•
What underpins what?
How do we demarcate?
How do we know what we know?•

We ask the unanswerable questions•

What impact does our culture have on the way we use language make assumptions, join the dots and communicate?•
What impact does our community have on the way we use language make assumptions, join the dots and communicate?•
What impact do our beliefs have on the way we use language make assumptions, join the dots and communicate?

Peer Review•

Based on qualification, experts in this field (those who we deem to have authority over us) apply the principles of our method as above•


Definition of a Truth•
Form a Belief•
Measure against a Benchmark

I believe the variables in this current renovation are the driving forces BEHIND each of our patterns. It is these variables, which will determine the end result – the direction – the success or failure – the bottom line. We humans in relationships during exchange are sharing a sacred dance of creation and destruction together in the form of words and philosophies however without a blueprint or agreement - or maybe we do it just remains unsaid - I don't know yet -is this part of the divine design?

Ok so we have LANGUAGE and RENOVATION.

As a musician, there is a relationship with each musical note. When I sing or play piano, I interact with a collection of musical notes – grouped together in a melody – arranged with various instrumentation – following an ebb and flow of movement – building harmonies and rhythms – moving in and out of textures and colours of sounds. All these aspects combine to tell a story which evoke “feelings” and create frequencies in how a musician expresses each musical note individually and collectively.

There is a structure – a composition that enables the frequency to function - a spine that enables the body to function.What about software designers? They go through every single step required in every transaction and situation in the business, unlayered, unwrapped, pulled apart, observed, asked questions and created answer options for drop down list boxes and mapped out steps to be taken to achieve a specific end result.

This is also done when composing music. Our body does this in the thousands of little systems that keep us alive. In business terms, everything we do is a structure of some sort – all little mini systems, like little physical bodies each with their own beating heart.

Looking closely at a system you will see these universal principles:
Action – what happens?
Environment – where does this take place?
Feedback – what response is elicited from this action?
Relationship – what connection does this in turn create?
Resource – what materials are used or needed?
Stakeholders – who is involved in each step?

Obviously in the body these are then broken down again and again until everything is the same – light. This is like when we try to establish what we value: everything is broken down again and again until it is all the same – light. (Like in the Busting Loose video I mentioned earlier)

In a system, we can use this process to take it as near or as far as we like depending on our needs - according to what we desire to receive from this structure.

Demartini says that the quality of questions determine the quality of our lives.

In every business, the quality of questions determines the quality of our business.

I talk business because thats where my Currency is - that is the language that I speak more often. Replace the word "business" with any other part of life that we value.

Every question we ask is filtered through what we value - every language - every Currency.

Our Work
The People in our Lives
Our Resources
Our Community
Our Money
Our Creations

This Currency - how you trade your time, energy and self - merely categorize collections of perspectives – which we know can be expressed through all – endlessly until every perspective is the same and is light – just like the human body.

In a business, the very basic structure is as follows:
Asset - you
Concept - one of your stories
Product – an expression of one of your stories
Service – the delivery of an expression of one of your stories
Delivery – the how of the delivery
Enterprise – The management of the delivery and all of the above
Entity – The Structure of Ownership or Liability – Who owns what – Who is liable for What

Obviously there are many more systems in a business, but lets just start with these three as they form the foundation.

Why am I telling you about structure and systems?

In relationships of any kind - of exchanges of any type - look at the Language we use, what we Renovate together and the Structure we inadvertantly create in our exchanges together. Can you apply these very basic three sets of principles – which are simply filters – to the stories that humans share with each other in every relationship and every exchange?

Business opportunities arise out of every exchange in information.
Social opportunities arise out of every exchange in information.
Financial opportunities arise out of every exchange in information.
Spiritual opportunities arise out of every exchange in information.
Mental opportunities arise out of every exchange in information.
Physical opportunities arise out of every exchange in information.
Relationship opportunities arise out of every exchange in information.

In every exchange, there are always three considerations:
1. Language
2. Renovation
3. Structure

The boxes and numbers I use in my business form expression are the same as a time signature and tempo notation in the sheet music of a musician.

Can you see patterns emerging?
Can you see what repeats, what expands, what transforms, what attracts and repels?
Can you apply to the stories, the ebb and flow of data exchange and the composition movement of whatever song we are writing together or whatever waltz we are dancing together?