What is the Real Story?

I have no friggin idea - no clue. All I know is that I have been studying the words of others in various OLOGIES for most of my life - and I STILL DON"T KNOW.

Everyone has a skew - an opinion - a truth.

What is there was NO Truth?

Bob Scheinfeld is playing games - http://www.bustingloosefromthemoneygame.com/
Abraham Hicks tell us "You are Loved - All Is Well" - http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
William Whitecloud tells us that everything is made up. http://www.williamwhitecloud.com/
Magicians Way - william's brand in Australia - speaks of the identity and the soul and how to make choices to create what you want - http://www.magiciansway.com/training.php
Robert Fritz uses tension in a creative process - http://www.robertfritz.com/
Joseph Campbell lives the Hereo's Journey - the Monomyth - http://www.jcf.org/
Dr John F Demartini tells us that there is nothing missing - we have every trait - http://www.drdemartini.com/
Martin Lass tells us to activate mind, body and heart to illuminate who we really are - http://www.solarjourney.org/

And there are about one million websites and brands out there telling me WHO AM I - and WHAT THE REAL STORY is!!!

I wonder - when we truly love someone (including all their beliefs, values, personas, traits, myths, patterns etc) we hold a space for them – either to create or heal or grow or blossom or whatever they choose. In the opening of our hearts and the holding of that space, where we become each other, there is no space for judgement or authority, yet we hold this space with all our OWN beliefs, values, personas, traits, myths, patterns etc.

Once aware of the belief structures, are we necessarily still blind?

Who is the ultimate authority of who the REAL self is?

And without structure, model or analysis, how do we know which function is the feeling?

Do we not live within a paradox within a paradox within a paradox within a -……… like the mirror looking into the mirror – that never ends?